Comic book duos
....- Create an array
with values 'Suske', 'Willy', 'Kuifje', 'Tintin', 'Jommeke' and 'Jeremy' - Create an array
with values 'Wiske', 'Wanda', 'Bobby', 'Snowy', 'Filiberke' and 'Frankie' - Dutch names: concatenate (use the word 'en') and print the corresponding comic characters
with an even index in both arrays
- Suske en Wiske
- Kuifje en Bobby
- Jommeke en Filiberke
- English names: concatenate (use the word 'and') and print the corresponding comic characters
with an odd index in both
- Willy and Wanda
- Tintin and Snowy
- Jeremy and Frankie